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What is PICC Line?

A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), also called a PICC line, is a long, thin tube that’s inserted through a vein in your arm and passed through to the larger veins near your heart. Very rarely, the PICC line may be placed in your leg.

A PICC line gives your doctor access to the large central veins near the heart. It’s generally used to give medications or liquid nutrition. A PICC line can help avoid the pain of frequent needle sticks and reduce the risk of irritation to the smaller veins in your arms.

A PICC line requires careful care and monitoring for complications, including infection and blood clots. If you’re considering a PICC line, discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor.

Why it's done?

A PICC line is used to deliver medications and other treatments directly to the large central veins near your heart.

Your doctor might recommend a PICC line if your treatment plan requires frequent needle sticks for medicine or blood draws. A PICC line is usually intended to be temporary and might be an option if your treatment is expected to last up to several weeks.

A PICC line is commonly recommended for:

  • Cancer treatments. Medicines that are infused through a vein, such as some chemotherapy and targeted therapy drugs, can be delivered through a PICC line.
  • Liquid nutrition (total parenteral nutrition). If your body can’t process nutrients from food because of digestive system problems, you may need a PICC line for receiving liquid nutrition.
  • Infection treatments. Antibiotics and antifungal medicines can be given through a PICC line for serious infections.

Other medications. Some medicines can irritate the small veins, and giving these treatments through the PICC line reduces that risk. The larger veins in your chest carry more blood, so the medicines are diluted much faster, reducing the risk o

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